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Design Contracts: What You Don’t Know Could Hurt You – Kattwinkel Speaks at AIGA Webinar

OW&E’s  Linda Joy Kattwinkel was co-leader of an AIGA Expert Series Webinar on Friday, May 8, 2020. 

AIGA (the American Institute of Graphic Arts) described the program this way:  “Have you ever signed a contract without reading it? Have you ever worked without a written contract at all? Successful designers need to know how to incorporate smart contract practices into their business. This workshop addresses the vital role a well-written document can play in keeping client relationships on track. In this session, attorney Linda Joy Kattwinkel and management consultant Shel Perkins will clarify basic contract provisions and provide a detailed overview of the newly updated AIGA Standard Form of Agreement for Design Services, WHICH THEY CO-AUTHORED.”



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